Walt Disney World Swan & Walt Disney World Dolphin
Orlando, FL 32836

GSA’s 68th Annual Scientific Meeting brings together more than 4,000 of the brightest minds in the field of aging. This meeting is the premier gathering of gerontologists from both the United States and around the world. They participate in over 450 scientific sessions including symposia, paper, and poster presentations. The 2015 theme is “Aging as a Lifelong Process,” which highlights the fact that what gerontologists study is actually the cumulative outcome of lifelong events that culminate during old age. These effects, which can begin at the earliest stage of fetal development, encompass biology, social interactions, historical events, psychological experiences, and public policy. Importantly, the life-course effects on aging are best viewed through the interdisciplinary lens that is the signature feature of GSA.

The 2015 conference theme challenges researchers to highlight possible consequences of early life effects on aging, be it through biomedical events, nutrition, socioeconomic status, educational opportunities, stressful life experiences, or social relationships. The conference theme also challenges educators, both in the formal academic setting, and in communicating with the general public, to transmit the importance of lifelong experiences and lifestyle choices on the process of aging. Through the diverse research disciplines of our members and the expansion of our view of aging as a lifelong process, we have the potential to truly enhance the prospect of healthy aging.

The Annual Scientific Meeting’s location, Orlando, is at the heart of America’s Sunshine State and home to Walt Disney World, which represents a pioneering endeavor based on a combination of innovation and imagination — the perfect backdrop for our robust scientific program.
– See more at: https://www.geron.org/meetings-events/gsa-annual-scientific-meeting#sthash.FJZQLKgU.dpuf

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