The Community Care Business Transformation and Innovation Conference
Jun 6 all-day

The Community Care Business Transformation and Innovation Conference – 6th June 2017

Community Resourcing and Just Better Care Brisbane North is collaborating with a number of partners to deliver a conference in Brisbane titled Community Care Business Transformation & Innovation Conference on 6 June 2017.

The Community Care Business Transformation and Innovation Conference will bring together local and international innovation, change and technology experts across the fields of community care, government policy, business, assistive technologies and offsite information systems delivery. The conference is designed to expand the community care sectors thinking in the way that technology, disruption and innovation can uniquely benefit and tailor future outcomes.

Some of our Key Note Speakers include Science Populariser – Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, Director of the Telehealth Quality Group European Economic Interest Group – Dr Malcolm Fisk, and CEO of 2Mar Robotics – Marita Cheng.

To purchase your ticket please visit this link to secure your place!

For more information on the conference please visit our website at www.ccbtic.com.au.

AGen 2017
Jun 8 – Jun 11 all-day

AGen 2017 – Thursday, June 08, 2017 ?to Sunday, June 11, 2017 – Japan

Our theme explores the tensions that have emerged due to globalisation and the growing influence of Western cultural values on Eastern traditions such as intergeneration coresidence, filial piety and the family-based support networks that provide for the care of the elderly in later life. Jolly and Macintyre’s depiction of the persistent belief in an “unchanging cultural core” of bedrock values such as family support for the elderly has resulted in the resistance of many governments in Asia and the Pacific Rim to plan effectively for the care and needs of a growing aging population.

By treating culture as a dynamic process that adapts to new ideas, opportunities and economic realities we can anticipate change and implement proactive policies that support the elderly, their families and the societies that are ultimately responsible for the quality of life among their populations. This conference serves as an opportunity to present new research on the changing face of aging in the Asia-Pacific Region, to network with fellow professionals and to develop policy interventions that improve the lives of our elders.

The growing disconnect in Asia from traditional forms of family support is seen in the increased shift towards more Western models of independence for elders, decreased levels of coresidence and extended family living, and the weakening of family support networks. In particular, AGen2017 seeks presentations on intergeneration support, the economics of retirement, the changing health patterns of the elderly, independent living, the residential patterns of the elderly, or assistive technologies. The Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology is the only international conference on aging held annually in Japan and we welcome your participation and research.

The Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology 2017 (AGen2017) is a multidisciplinary conference held concurrently with The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2017 (ACSS2017) and The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment (ACSEE2017). Keynote, Featured and Spotlight Speakers will provide a variety of perspectives from different academic and professional backgrounds. Registration for any one of these conferences permits attendance in all three within the event.

In conjunction with our Global Partners, including the University of Tokyo and the National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging (NACDA), we look forward to extending you a warm welcome in 2017.

Aging2.0 americas startup bootcamp
Jun 20 all-day

Aging2.0 americas startup bootcamp – 20/06/2017 – Totonto

Aging2.0 seeks to find the best aging-focused startups from around the world and prepare them to work with the industry through our Startup Bootcamp. We are passionate about companies solving scalable, real life problems that are affecting the 1 billion older adults worldwide. We focus on providing support, introductions and mentorship to help companies navigate the industry and reach their growth objectives. The Startup Bootcamp is supported by Google for Entrepreneurs.

The Startup Bootcamp: will bring founders from around the world together to learn from and connect with fellow entrepreneurs, senior care executives, investors and seniors themselves; provide carefully curated speakers and experiences equip startup founders with the insights and relationships they need to succeed in the aging space; includes educational tours of multiple senior care communities and an evening networking reception

Who is eligible: Startup must have at least a minimum viable product (past conceptual stage). Startups must have less than $5 million in funding / revenue. Founder or C-level executive must be the person attending the event. Max 2 people per company. Must be focused on improving the quality of life for older adults.


Aging & Gerontology ICAG 2017
Jun 26 – Jun 28 all-day

Aging & Gerontology ICAG 2017 – 

Meet Inspiring Speakers and Experts at our 3000+ Global Events with over 600+ Conferences, 1200+ Symposiums and 1200+ Workshops on Medical, Pharma, Engineering, Science, Technology and Business.

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Transforming Care
Jun 26 – Jun 28 all-day

Transforming Care – June 26-28, 2017

The conference will focus on early childhood education and care for adults with disabilities and long-term care for older people. Transforming Care 2017 invites paper submissions and expressions of interest for session convenors. Deadline for session proposal is January 25, 2017 and for papers March 25, 2017. For more detailes, visit http://www.transforming-care.net/

We look forward to seeing you in the beautiful city of Milan in 2017!

Costanzo Ranci, Milano Polytechnic and Tine Rostgaard, KORA Danish Institute for Local and Regional Government Reseach


The Future of Ageing 2017: Transforming Tomorrow Today
Jun 29 all-day
The Future of Ageing Conference
The Future of Ageing Conference

The Future of Ageing 2017: Transforming Tomorrow Today – 29th November 2017

Time for Transformation, a new ‘normal’ – where society has aligned and adapted to the fact we are living longer.

The world is going through turbulent times. But one thing is certain – it is getting older.

ILC-UK has been active for 16 years and have witnessed some significant change over this time. Yet progress has been far too slow and we are still talking about issues which should have been solved 10 years ago.

This conference will aim to reinvigorate those of us already convinced of the importance of ageing. But to achieve the transformation we need must reach beyond the usual suspects. We need businesses, entrepreneurs, people managers, and marketing professionals to work with the charity sector and policy makers and politicians to deliver change. And we need to help provide the evidence to make the case for action.

Our third conference will seek to kick-start that transformation. It won’t be a run of the mill “ageing” conference. It will be different. We will challenge and energise you. We want the conference to lead to change.
If we are to make the most of the opportunity of age we need to engage businesses and community leaders to act.

We want everyone to come away learning something new and with a plan to act. We will set the groundwork to inspire and support government, business and voluntary organisations to better prepare, adapt and prosper in a longer-lived society. The conference will reach new businesses and other stakeholders.

You will disagree with some of what our presenters have to say. That’s fine, the Future of Ageing Conference is a place to have these honest debates. And you will get the opportunity to have your say.

The Future of Ageing Conference will

  • be brave enough to have the honest conversations we need to have
  • convene experts and innovators
  • challenge our own prejudices and yours
  • debate some of the big issues
  • avoid stereotyping. We won’t let people generalise about older or younger people or even about cohorts. Saying “The baby boomers X” will be banned.
  • debating the evidence rather than present it
  • avoid “the ageing Cliché”
  • try and cause mischief and have some fun
  • invite unexpected contributors to talk about the big and familiar issues
  • challenge every speaker
  • Insist speakers focus on the transforming tomorrow today

But we won’t…

  • repeat what people already know. Before the conference delegates will get a short factpack setting out the evidence
  • allow presenters to show us showing population pyramids (we all know we are ageing)
  • pretend that ageing is always good and that old age is always the best time of our lives. Too many older people spend too much of their time alone, in poor health, with only the TV for company
  • let people say “The fact we are living longer is a good thing”. It doesn’t need to be said. And it undermines the fact that for too many people today, old age isn’t a good or happy time
  • try to sex up ageing or pretend there are simple solutions
  • let anyone use imagery of older people’s hands in their presentation. And we won’t have any smiling studio shots of older people on the beach



The British Society of Gerontology 46th Annual Conference
Jul 5 – Jul 7 all-day

The British Society of Gerontology 46th Annual Conference – July 5-7, 2017

The Centre for Innovative Ageing is hosting the British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference 2017 at the Bay Campus of Swansea University from the 5th-7th July. This international conference draws over 300 national and international delegates at the forefront of research, practice and policy regarding ageing and older adults. The conference, whilst having an international appeal, will still retain the flare of Wales, even down to the conference title including prose from Wales’ own Dylan Thomas: “Do Not Go Gentle: Gerontology & A Good Old Age”

Reflecting the breadth and depth of global works on ageing, the conference theme “The Art of Ageing” focuses on the innovative approaches taken by UK researchers and those around the world in the field of social gerontology.

Registration for the conference IS NOW OPEN and can be completed through the conference website http://www.swansea.ac.uk/bsg17/


Ageing and Economic Growth
Jul 12 all-day

Ageing and Economic Growth – 12th of july 2017

The Chair « Transitions démographiques, Transitions économiques » of the “Fondation du Risque – Institut Louis Bachelier” is organizing an international conference:

« Ageing and Economic Growth»

The venue will be in Paris on the 12th of July 2017.

It may seem paradoxical to link aging and growth, this is because the mainstream analysis often views seniors as a burden for public finance and the healthcare system. Furthermore, elderly people are supposedly not directly participating in the creation of value.

In practice, aging which is a global phenomenon, requires to rethink and adapt the economic model at a fast pace.

Working beyond 60+; robotics; healthcare infrastructure and demand; planning funded pension systems; and training needs of seniors are opportunities for new developments in the economics of ageing era.

Abstracts in economics and demographics should be submitted for validation, before the 22nd of May 2017 for a validation by the 29th of May on:


Please take notice that the Chair is currently working on the following topics:

  • Ageing, economic growth and welfare economics
  • From housing wealth towards productive investment
  • A new momentum for funded pensions systems and longevity bonds
  • Healthcare finance for an aging population
  • Training needs in an aging society

The topic is key and at the top of the political agenda in every country. It requires rapid adaptation in regulation, fiscal, social, prevention and saving policies.

Final papers and presentation should be sent by the end of May.

Papers in English, French are welcomed,

Please submit abstracts and papers in English or French. However, presentations can be done in researcher’s native language.

We look forward to seeing you in Paris.

Papers have to be submitted at the following adress: francois-xavier.albouy@tdte.fr

Please for further details, contact Sophie Parisel: sophie.parisel@tdte.fr

IAGG 2017 World Congress
Jul 23 – Jul 27 all-day

IAGG 2017 World Congress – July 23, 2017 – July 27, 2017

Plan now to attend the largest, most significant worldwide conference on aging. Share in the latest science, research, training, technology, and policy development presented by experts from around the world. Discover all that’s new, waiting for you in a single venue.
Over 6,000 professionals in gerontology and geriatrics are expected to attend the World Congress in San Francisco. Known as “Everybody’s Favorite City,” it is home to well-respected academic centers, a hub of banking and finance, and a cosmopolitan destination for diverse cultural events and fine cuisine.
In 2017, the theme “Global Aging and Health: Bridging Science, Policy, and Practice” will bring representatives from medicine, nursing, social science, psychological science, finance, policy fields, and other disciplines to address the latest approaches to improving the quality of life of the world’s older adults. This is the premier meeting for professionals in gerontology and geriatrics.  Don’t miss this opportunity.
International Conference: “Partner Relationships, Residential Relocations and Housing in the Life Course”
Jul 29 all-day

International Conference: “Partner Relationships, Residential Relocations and Housing in the Life Course” – 27-29 July 2017

Partnerships, residential relocations and housing are crucial aspects of people’s well-being. All three life domains are interdependent across the life course. Some partnership events involve immediate residential relocations, for instance the establishment or the dissolution of a co-residential union. Other transitions are sequenced closely together such as marriage and the transition to homeownership. The usual approach is to assume that partnership trajectories influence residential trajectories and housing choices. But the residential careers and the housing situation are likely to also restrict or enable relationship and family development.

The international conference on “Partner Relationships, Residential Relocations and Housing in the Life Course” is organised as part the PartnerLife research project. The conference aims to create a meeting point for researchers who study the interrelationship between partnership trajectories, residential relocations and housing. It will take place in Cologne on July 27-29, 2017 and the program will feature a number of invited talks by internationally renowned scientists. Further contributions on different national contexts as well as comparative work are welcome. Papers with a focus on – but not limited to – the following topics are invited:

  • Partnership patterns and housing
  • Living-apart-together partnerships and the transition to co-residential partnerships
  • Residential trajectories, housing and the quality of partnerships
  • Consequences of separation and divorce for housing, relocation careers and family relations
  • Modelling the association between partnership and residential histories