Building the Future of Health. 1 – 4 June 2016
Jun 1 – Jun 4 all-day

Building the Future of Health. 1 – 4 June 2016

Building the Future of Health is a large international congress that will take place in June 2016 in Groningen, the Netherlands. It marks a fundamental development in how we think about our healthcare system and public health.

Can the built environment help us stay healthy for longer? Can it inspire us to exercise more? Does it offer, in combination with a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition, a cure for Western diseases like obesity and diabetes? And what will our future hospitals and healthcare institutions look like? All these questions – and many more – take centre stage at the conference.

Building the Future of Health puts the contribution that our built environment can provide for a good and healthy life back on the agenda. This is achieved through three tracks in which various relevant aspects are up for discussion: Healthy Cities and the Built Environment, Ageing in Place and The Architecture of Hospitals. In addition, the congress presents a fourth track in which the wider context of ‘ageing healthily’ is explored.

Due to the conviction that the best solutions come about by connecting knowledge and skills, the congress is of a highly interdisciplinary nature. For three days it offers a stimulating and inspiring environment in which designers, architects, urban planners, landscape architects, medical researchers, environmental planners, policymakers, administrators, sociologists, demographers, doctors and representatives from various other disciplines in the field of public health can meet.


Silver Conference and Workshop
Jun 7 all-day

Silver Conference and Workshop – 7th June


SILVER Final Conference will be held on 7th June 2016 in Amsterdam (venue TBC). During the Conference, we will share the results of the SILVER project and discuss the Pre-Commercial Procurement process as an innovative tool for public procurement. Both procurers’ and contractors’ views on Pre-Commercial Procurement as well as on best practices will be shared. Furthermore, the successful Phase 3 solution LEA care robot will be presented by the contractor, Robotics Care Systems.

On the same date, SILVER project will host an interactive workshop session which takes a deeper look into the learnings and recommendations for the future Pre-Commercial Procurement projects. This workshop will follow the SILVER Final Conference after a 30-minute break.  

Note, that the Conference as well as Workshop programme may be subject to minor changes.


11:30 Registration and coffee

12:00 Welcome and introduction, Coordinator Stephen Browning, Innovate UK

12:00 Key note speech (TBC)

12:40 Main results of the SILVER project
– A presentation on Pre-Commercial Procurement process from the developer’s perspective, Account Manager Jon Hazell, Innovate UK
– The procurers perspective, Strategic planning officer (Welfare Technology and E-health) Mats Rundkvist, City of Västerås
– The contractor’s perspective, CEO Maja Rudinac, Robot Care Systems

13:40 Questions and answers

13:50 Panel discussion on Pre-Commercial Procurement
Discussions on themes such as Pre-Commercial Procurement as means for developing innovative solutions, challenges to be solved and Pre-Commercial Procurement as a way to open new markets.

– Coordinator Stephen Browning, Innovate UK (Moderator)
– Project Manager Carla Dekker, PIANOo and the Dutch Enterprise Agency
– Funding Manager Andy Bleaden, Metropolitan Borough City of Stockport
– Managing Director Stephan Corvers, Corvers Procurement Services, Vice-chairman of the NVvA (Dutch Association for procurement and law)
– CEO Maja Rudinac, Robot Care Systems

14:20 LEA (Lean Elderly Assistant) demonstration, CEO Maja Rudinac, Robot Care Systems
Successful Phase 3 solution, LEA care robot demonstrated by the contractor

14:40–15:00 Summary and closing, Coordinator Stephen Browning, Innovate UK

15:00 Registration and coffee

15:20 Welcome, Coordinator Stephen Browning, Innovate UK

15:30 Recap of results of SILVER project, Account Manager Jon Hazell, Innovate UK and CEO Maja Rudinac, Robot Care Systems

16:00 Workshop session on Pre-Commercial Procurement
A closer look at the SILVER experience and recommendations for future Pre-Commercial Procurement projects: When and how to use Pre-Commercial Procurement to foster innovative solutions for the public sector? How SMEs can get involved in Pre-Commercial Procurement and what are the benefits of involvement?

17:20 Workshop summary, Coordinator Stephen Browning, Innovate UK

17:40–18:00 Wrap-up and closing, Coordinator Stephen Browning, Innovate UK



The Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology 2016
Jun 9 – Jun 12 all-day

The Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology 2016 – Thursday, June 9 – Sunday, June 12, 2016

Publish before a global audience. Present in a supportive environment. Network and create new relationships. Hear the latest research. Experience Japan. Join a global academic community.

This international and interdisciplinary conference will again bring together a range of academics and practitioners to discuss new directions of research and discovery in education. As with IAFOR’s other events, AGen2016 will afford the opportunity for renewing old acquaintances, making new contacts, and networking across higher education and beyond.

The Asian Conference on Aging & Gerontology 2016 be held alongside The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences and The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment. Registration for one of the conferences will allow attendees to attend sessions in the others.

International Federation on Ageing 13th Global Conference
Jun 21 – Jun 23 all-day

The International Federation on Ageing (IFA) 13th Global Conference on Ageing will provide a platform for decision makers, practitioners, researchers, service providers, and community members to share their experiences to support and empower rapidly ageing populations worldwide.  The Conference will be among the first to take place after the conclusion of the post-2015 UN Development Goals and the revision of the Hyogo Framework for Action on Disaster Reduction.

The central theme of the 13th IFA Conference will be on natural and human-induced disasters and health emergencies in an ageing world, in a program that will explore approaches to risk reduction (e.g. mass gatherings), readiness, resilience, response and recovery with the goal of understanding how to establish and design more age friendly, disaster prepared communities.   Such activities are increasingly part of the daily organisation, planning and delivery of services for older persons, and their engagement in society.

The IFA is interested in innovative approaches in planning and coping with a variety of disasters, health emergencies, and knowledge about disaster planning and response for and by older people in developing countries.

Older people are often vulnerable during and after disasters.  This extends beyond psychosocial, physical and functional limitations to the loss of home, family and income, and to reduce long term social integration.  Yet, older people are key contributors in society to ensuring better preparedness, resiliency, and to the spirit of recovery, demonstrating natural leadership and survival skills. This specific international platform provides for the exchange of ideas and points of connection for practitioners, policy makers and researchers, many stakeholders working to generate more disaster prepared communities for older people, while also strengthening communities and systems in support of the health, quality of life, and dignity of older persons.

The Conference is of interest to professionals, researchers, and organisations in the fields of ageing, income security, aged rights and aged care sectors, disability, and in emergency management (prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery/rehabilitation) such as, national and international government and non-governmental aid and service organisations, security forces and first responders (military, police, fire-fighters) public health, medical and health care, emergency and humanitarian logistics, urban planning and design, and the IT community.

This Conference aims to explore:

  • Impact of disasters on older people
  • Building individual and community resilience for older people –  new initiatives/programs, preparation, engagement and recovery (e.g. through animals);
  • Risk reduction and disaster mitigation for older people
  • Planning, designing and caring for older people in disasters
  • Working with older people to co-design, plan, prepare and respond to disasters and rebuild their lives and others in their communities
  • Role of public health in assisting with disaster response, recovery and resilience for older people’s needs and priorities
  • Risk management strategies for facilities, programs and situations to support older people during disasters including the risks management strategies associated with mass gatherings
  • Access to affordable insurance for older people
  • Technology in disaster response for older people incorporating usability, skill development and social media
  • Leadership for and by older people in disasters – planning, preparation, response and recovery
  • Volunteers: engagement, training and support with and for older people
  • International disasters – learnings about readiness, resilience and recovery for older people in all forms of disaster (e.g. Communicable Diseases, Natural disasters)
  • Explore other aged related and more general issues impacting the quality of life of older people.
World Congress on Active Ageing 2016
Jun 28 – Jul 1 all-day

Welcome to the World Congress on Active Ageing 2016 It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you the World Congress on Active Ageing (WCAA), a global event that will be hosted by Victoria University’s Institute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living (ISEAL). This will be the 9th Congress held under the auspices of the International Coalition for Ageing and Physical Activity (ICAPA). In light of significantly increasing governmental focus on keeping their ageing populations more healthy and active, this conference will prove to be the largest gathering of experts and stakeholders in the field of Active Ageing ever assembled. We are anticipating that in excess of 1,000 international delegates will meet from more than 30 countries in July 2016 at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre and to that end we invite you to be part of this exciting event.

To ensure the success of the Congress we are engaging government departments, partner Universities across Australia, Active Ageing stakeholders and the Melbourne Convention Bureau. It is these partnerships that will form the cornerstone of what we anticipate will be a benchmark World Congress on Active Ageing.

I very much look forward to working with you, and to make the 9th World Congress on Active Ageing a tremendously successful event – for you and for all delegates and participants.

On behalf of the organising committee

Stuart Biddle Professor and Research Leader, Active Living & Public Health, Institute of Sport, Exercise & Active Living, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia

21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics
Jul 23 – Jul 27 all-day

21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics – July 23, 2017 – July 27, 2017

Over 6,000 professionals in gerontology and geriatrics are expected to attend the World Congress in San Francisco. Known as “Everybody’s Favorite City,” it is home to well-respected academic centers, a hub of banking and finance, and a cosmopolitan destination for diverse cultural events and fine cuisine.

In 2017, the theme “Global Aging and Health: Bridging Science, Policy, and Practice” will bring representatives from medicine, nursing, social science, psychological science, finance, policy fields, and other disciplines to address the latest approaches to improving the quality of life of the world’s older adults. This is the premier meeting for professionals in gerontology and geriatrics.

– See more at: http://www.aarpinternational.org/events/21st-iagg#sthash.yoPmjRz6.dpuf

AGE-WELL Pitch Competition
Jul 23 all-day

AGE-WELL Pitch Competition – Saturday, July 23, 2016

AGE-WELL, in partnership with Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc. and Aging2.0 Local | Toronto is proud to host a pitch competition this July in Toronto, ON Canada.

The AGE-WELL Pitch Competition: Technology to Support People with Dementia will provide an opportunity for start-ups to showcase their brands to potential partners and customers. Entrepreneurs will have a chance to network with leading researchers, industry and investors at the networking reception.

Registration:  Free online registration will open in early 2016. Be sure to check back for the link!

Format: Each company will give a 5-minute presentation (accompanied by slides) followed by a brief  Q&A session with the audience. Pitches will be recorded and may be posted online.  A networking reception will follow.

Prize Package for the Winning Pitch: 

  • One year free membership in the AGE-WELL Network of Centres of Excellence, including access to more than 200 companies and research experts in the field of technology and aging
  • Consultation and mentorship from the Global Council on Alzheimer’s Disease (GCAD), which includes prominent experts and organizations in the Alzheimer’s field
  • Two passes to present and pitch at the Annual AGE-WELL Conference, October 17-19 in Montreal (valued at $1000)
  • Two passes to the Aging2.0 Summit & Expo, October 12-14 in San Francisco (valued at $1000)
EAHSA Conference
Sep 22 – Sep 23 all-day

EAHSA Conference  – 22, 23 september 2016

EAHSA organises also bi-annual conferences to meet up with colleagues from all over Europe.
The Conference, which is hosted by FNAQPA, is going to be held in Lyon, France, on 22nd – 23rd September 2016.

The European Conference of EAHSA
Sep 22 – Sep 23 all-day
AAL Forum 2016
Sep 26 all-day

AAL Forum 2016 ST. GALLEN 26-28 SEPTEMBER 2016

The AAL Forum is the annual showcase event for the people involved in the AAL Programme’s projects and the AAL community. Each year, it brings together policy makers, ICT developers, manufacturers, health professionals, commissioners, businesses, venture companies, technologists, academics, designers, carers and, of course, older adults, to come and see the latest developments in this exciting area of research. Innovation in this field is only in its infancy, but the steadily ageing global population means that it holds great commercial potential, evidenced by the increasing number of investors present at the event each year.


The AAL Forum is a lively and social affair that brings together a broad spectrum of stakeholders from all over Europe. It will host over 700 international congress participants who will seek information from 40 exhibitors, 30 workshops and various keynote speakers about new AAL products and services. It offers an excellent opportunity to network and gives participants a great platform to exchange experiences and ideas. The matchmaking event brings together suitable potential business partners to talk about their work and strike up real collaborations, and the interactive nature of the sessions and workshops ensures that delegates get talking with each other.


The exhibition floor at the forum showcases the latest existing and developing ICT solutions, with interactive displays and poster sessions providing valuable information about what’s available on the market. For policy makers and health professionals, these solutions have the potential to transform the lives of the older adults they are responsible for. For investors, they represent huge opportunities for developing business within this emerging sector.


Other activities at the forum include talks from prestigious guest speakers, a Hackathon in which developers compete to create new ideas over the course of the forum, and social events in the evening that provide the perfect occasions for talking over ideas in a more informal setting.